What is internet
The Internet is the most modern system of information technology. You can call the Internet a world class group of different computer networks. Thousands and millions of computers in this network are connected to each other. The computer is usually connected to the Internet by telephone line. But apart from this, there are many more. In which computer can connect to internet.
Today, where internet has remained a major center of business, education, communication, technology and entertainment, it has become very difficult to imagine life without internet. While the Internet has solved many of our problems today, it has also given birth to many new problems for us.
History Of Internet
- The idea of establishing the Internet was first proposed in 1962 by Prof. J. Was given by J. C. Licklider, this is why they are considered the father of the Internet
- Internet started in 1969 by the US Department of Defense with the development of ARPANET-Advanced Research Project Agency Net
- ARPANET is called the world's first network in which four remote computers were connected.
- For the next 20 years, the Internet continued to be used in defense and research and education resources.
- With the opening of the Internet to the general public in 1989, it started being used for other purposes and there was a huge growth in its field.
- 1990 The invention of the World Wide Web by Team Burns Lee gave a new dimension to the Internet.
- In 1993, the invention of Mosaic (MOSAIC) software, the first graphic web browser, contributed significantly to the development of the Internet.
- By 1996 the number of computers connected to the Internet exceeded 10 million and computers in more than 150 countries were connected to the Internet.
- In India, the use of the Internet was started for the first time on 15 August 1995.
Uses of Internet
On hearing the name of the Internet, many things come to mind, such as computer, mobile, Google, video call. In today's era the internet is nothing less than a miracle. Any field can be seen, whether it is transport or journalism or any other field. The Internet has proved its mettle everywhere. The Internet has a big hand in making today's era modern and easy.
(1) If we talk about the maximum use of the Internet, then it is happening in the field of education. Internet has made everything very easy in the field of education, student's life has become many times easier than before.
(2) Today the use of internet has also increased rapidly in the field of media. Today any type of news reaches the people in few seconds. To read and watch news, now websites on mobile, and applications and computers can also be easily accessed through internet.
(3) Before the Internet, letters were sent to convey messages and messages and their reply was awaited for months, whereas today only a few seconds can be done by making a video call, by looking at the face.
(4) In the field of business too, the use of the Internet has increased rapidly, whether it is for the exchange of goods, or for the transaction of money, today business is being done through the Internet everywhere, and this makes doing business even more. It's getting easier.
(5) Internet is also widely used for entertainment. Movies, serials, jokes, computer games, social media and don't know what – from all over the world are available on the internet for our entertainment.
(6) There is a lot of development of the Internet in the field of transport too, today if you want to travel by bus, train or airplane, then you do not need to go to the counter and take a ticket by queuing. Now you can book bus, train or plane tickets online with the help of internet while sitting at home.
So these were some of the important uses of the Internet which are happening now, and in the coming time also its development will increase significantly.
Some interesting facts about the Internet
(1) Internet is the largest network in the world.
(2) Every computer has a different identity on the Internet i.e. every computer has its own unique IP address.
(3) US There are more people using the Internet in India than the entire population of India.
(4) Search engines can only reach 0.03% of the Internet. Rest of the website is in the form of deep web.
(5) The world's first website was published by British physicist Tim Berners-Lee on August 6, 1991.
(6) In 1992, the first photo on the Internet was uploaded of CERN's in-house band. It was called Les Horribles Sernets.
(7) You will be surprised to know that there is an old email from www.
(8) Domains were free before September 1995. No charge was taken for them.
(9) If the Internet shuts down for 1 day, then 196 billion emails and 3 billion Google searches will have to wait.
(10) NASA's Internet speed is 91 Gigabits, which is 13,000 times faster than an average American user.
So friends, in this post you know what is internet, history of internet, usage of internet and some interesting facts of internet, Hope you liked this information, then definitely share it with your friends.