WhatsApp Messenger was created in 2009 by Brian Acton and Jan Koum. On seeing it, it has become so popular today that its users have exceeded 5 billion on google play store. And this number is going to increase even further. facebook this to whatsapp. bought it on 19 Feb 2014. which is now running under facebook.
In this tutorial, we will give you complete information about creating a whatsapp account. you will learn how to create a new WhatsApp account – how to create new whatsapp account what are the step by step methods to create a whatsapp account.
The way to create whatsapp ID is very simple. but new users who are going to use whatsapp for the first time may have this question in their mind. what is needed to create a new account ID on whatsapp, from where to download whatsapp, whether whatsapp runs through the internet or without internet, then many such questions can come in the mind of new users. which is a common thing.
What is a whatsapp ?
Whatsapp is an instant messaging app where you can send messages, audio calls, video calls, to other whatsapp users using just the mobile number. apart from this, photos, videos and document files of different type formats can also be sent. apart from all this, there are many other facilities available on whatsapp. It is also easy to use.
Whatsapp has completely changed the way you send SMS. A few years ago people used to do sms through text message. In which a facility was available on one recharge. whose price was also very costly. but now with the advent of whatsapp, the trend of text messages has become very less. because in whatsapp, you get the facility of sending sms photos, videos, documents, and video calls, audio calling, at one place only in internet recharge.
How to whatsapp download 2023?
Before opening an account on whatsapp, you should know whether your phone already has whatsapp application or not. If not, then you have to download it, the way to download whatsapp is that first you have to go to google play store. so let's see how to install the download.
- First of all, open the Google Play Store app on your phone. for android users, and iphone users open app store.
- Now search by typing whatsapp on google play store or app store.
- Now click on install button. or you can also download directly by clicking here.
How to create whatsapp account step by step 2023
Creating an account on whatsapp is very easy. for this you can use any of your mobile number. If that number is present in your phone then it is good. If it is in another mobile then you can also make it. but you must have that phone. Because WhatsApp sends the code to your number through SMS. which has to be entered to verify the mobile number. so let's see step by step.
Step - 1 If whatsapp will open the app first time, then "welcome to whatsapp" will be written here. and there will be an option of "Agree and Continue" below. on which you have to click.
Step - 2 Now you will be asked to allow your phone's contacts, photos, videos, media files to be accessed on whatsapp. so for this, by clicking on continue, further allow the contacts and media file.
Step - 3 Now here first you have to select your country. well it comes automatically. so you don't need to select. after this enter your mobile number below which is on. then click on next.
Step - 4 Now you have to verify your phone number. If you think that you have entered the number wrong. or want to change. So you can do it by clicking on edit here. If everything is correct then click on OK.
Step - 5 Now 6 digit code will have come on your mobile number and verify it by entering it here. If that number is on the phone then it will be verified automatically.
Step - 6 Now there will be an option to add your name and profile photo. If you don't want to do it now, you can do it later. So now click on "Next".
So now finally whatsapp account has been created, so friends, in this way you can create your own and others' whatsapp account too. after creating a whatsapp account, you can send messages, chatting and photos, videos, gifs, to your friends, family, whose whatsapp account has been created.
Some common questions related to WhatsApp and their answers
1. can whatsapp be run on any mobile
Ans. Let me tell you that WhatsApp is the only application which cannot be run on every type of mobile. Cannot run whatsapp on phone with keypad without internet
2. Whatsapp runs through internet or without internet
Ans. Let us tell you that WhatsApp is a mobile application that requires internet to run. Internet will be available in your mobile only then it will work.
3. Does it cost any money to download and run the WhatsApp app?
Ans. At present, WhatsApp is totally free, there is no need to pay any charge from downloading it to using it.
4. Is WhatsApp app already in mobile or has to be downloaded
Ans. In many mobiles this can be done in advance, and in some mobiles it is not but it can be downloaded later.
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So friends, here we have told a little information about whatsapp, in which what is whatsapp, how to create a whatsapp account, how to download whatsapp app, if you want more information about whatsapp, then you can ask by commenting. And share this article with your friends.