How to hide whatsApp last seen whatsapp is the fastest used social networking app in the world. which people do to share chatting image videos, through this setting, you can hide whatsapp last seen what happens is that it shows that when you opened or chatted last time, it does not matter to some people, but many people also have trouble with it. would have been.

How to hide last seen on whatsapp full detail step by step

Like you talk to someone for a long night and your parents or anyone else in your family uses WhatsApp, then he can know from your last scene that you were talking to someone till the night. With this, he can ask you who do you talk to till the night and you may get scolded for not giving the right reason. 

so apart from this, many more problems can come, so to hide this last scene, a setting has been given on whatsapp, through which you can easily hide your last scene from others. So let us tell you about that setting in details. 

What is whatsapp last seen feature?

When we open a friend's chat in whatsapp, then at the top we get an option of last seen. which shows that when he came online on whatsapp last. that is when he used whatsapp was. last seen is a feature of whatsapp, with the help of which you can see the last seen of any whatsapp user whose whatsapp number is saved in your mobile. that is, when was the last time when he used whatsapp you can find it.

How to hide last seen on whatsapp full info

It is very easy to hide your last seen on whatsapp from others, for this you just have to open your whatsapp app and you can turn on this setting by following 3 to 4 steps, so let's see how to do it.

 Step - 1  First of all you have to open your WhatsApp app.

 Step - 2  Now in the whatsapp app there will be a three dot in the top, click on it. end click settings.

 Step - 3  After clicking on the option of settings, a page will open in front of you. on this page, you will get to see the options of many settings. out of these, you have to click on the account option appearing on one of the numbers.

 Step - 4  After clicking on the account, you will go to the next page. here you will see many setting options. out of these, you have to click on the privacy option.

 Step - 5   Now click on Last Seen here.

 Step - 6   Now it will have 3 options like Everyone, My Contact, and Nobody - 

So here you have to click on nobody. this will hide your last seen. If you do not want to show only the contact list to friends and see others, then you can click on my contact for that. and later ever want to remove hide last seen in whatsapp.

So for this, following this process, you have to come to the last Seen option and from here select Everyone and OK, in this way your last will be visible to others as well.

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So friends, in this way you can very easily hide your last seen of whatsapp, so that whenever you close after opening whatsapp, others will not see your last seen. 

But one thing you have to keep in mind that if you hide your last seen then you cannot see others, so if you are turning on this setting and thinking that you will be able to see others by hiding yours, then it is not so.